2013年8月4日 星期日

理性市場的神話 (一)

理性市場的神話 () [1]

書中是這麼說 John von Neumann [2] 的:


這樣說來 John von Neumann 竟是謫仙了。底下是 Wiki 對他的描述,對於數位電腦的貢獻竟被排在所有貢獻的最後一位。他在經濟學的貢獻主要來自於他在賽局理論的工作,這是為什麼這本書必須提他的理由。而他賽局理論的餘緒,竟也可以養一個諾貝爾獎。

He made major contributions to a number of fields, including mathematics (foundations of mathematics, functional analysis, ergodic theory, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis), physics (quantum mechanics, hydrodynamics, and fluid dynamics), economics (game theory), computer science (Von Neumann architecture, linear programming, self-replicating machines, stochastic computing), and statistics. He was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, in the development of functional analysis, a principal member of the Manhattan Project and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (as one of the few originally appointed), and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor, and the digital computer.


[1]: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010459904 
[2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_von_Neumann

